Cell.Marketing helps local businesses:

cell.marketing seo checklist sample

Most local businesses struggle for time to show up on Google searches, with all the other digital communication demands.  

We have a standard setup required for most clients and baseline, a la carte, and campaign discounts on packages to manage ongoing communication with your referral partners.

For those who prefer to read a printed page:

Click the button to download a 1-page flyer PDF

Client comments: 

"I'm a plumber. I knew I'd be successful, but I needed to plumb and quit worrying about how to get Google to work right. Thanks for helping me get things going."

- Chuck the Waterguy

Denver, CO

This was a Local Service Business who Needed Google Fixed and Online Visibility and Customer Engagement Organized.

"I know you just set me up a decade ago, but I haven't had to do anything else since then. Maybe I should have you come back in, but it's still working. Thank you for setting us up. I look forward to working with you again."

-  Pat Tabor at Tabor-Rice Funeral Home

Brighton, CO

Local Funeral Business Needed Google set up and some hours to connect their website and search engines over the next few months

3rd client review: 

Honoring old school communication (shout out to Dewey Decimal System), this final reference is available through a printable PDF download.

Get started today

How does voice search work?

portal.cell.marketing - User Interface - UA

1. The searching individual's local, personal, search history and preferences

portal.cell.marketing - Artificial Intelligence - AI

2. Google and Amazon type search engines recommend you when your business information is cataloged in their system 

portal.cell.marketing - Knowledge Graph

3. Make your information available so humans and computers can find, understand, and connect your target client with your business

Effective communication management entails building authentic relationships, establishing trust, and delivering consistent value. Then, we communicate the stories of your value to your referral partners.

Cell.Marketing process

google business help business

1) Let people find you, where they look.

Dan Wilson book named Entrepreneurs Guide to Selling. Foundation to cell.marketing process.

2) Line up your logins and communication tools, and launch a referral generating campaign

seo colorado springs agency stamp

3) Maintain consistent communication with your referral base.

A la carte options available. 

Get started today

(no minimum term required)


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